Thursday, July 10, 2008


All people experience times of sadness. Whether it is the loss of a friend, family member, pet, job and the list could go on and on. These situations and the despair that follows is normal. Some are sad because they feel they have failed at some aspect of their life. Then there are those who become sad but do not know why. They can not seem to shake the feeling that something is wrong. Time will heal the first kind of sadness but what about the other. I have suffered depression and I know how debilitating it can be. I am one who tends to second guess myself. I always wonder if I could of done something a better way. This second guessing could be good as it makes you want to improve but it also can wear you down.

Jesus suffered more than we will ever suffer. He was here on this earth to give life yet was beaten and tortured by those he tried to help. He was innocent (I am not), he was pure (I am not), he was righteous (I am not), he died for me (I am not worthy) and he loves those who persecuted him (I'm not so sure I could). So he truly understands sadness. I believe he weeps when we hurt. When my children or my grandchildren are hurting it breaks my heart. Jesus is the same way when you hurt. Ask him to help you. Then the most important thing you can do next is to give him your hurt and let him handle it.

I would like to say a prayer for you. "God help those who read this blog, heal their pain regardless of its source. When you heal them Lord heal their spirit as well. I thank you for your goodness and answered prayer." If you know someone who is sad, pray this prayer for them. Trust God to answer your prayer. He loves you.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1


Anonymous said...

wow. i needed that! thanks!

Donovan said...

Thanks Amber, God bless you!