Sunday, March 30, 2008

Span of Control...

The military and public service agencies use a practice called the span of control. The span of control of a agency is how many personnel can be effectively managed by one supervisor. The fire service lists the span of control between 3 and 7 firefighters.

OK, let's put this thought into spiritual leadership. If a supervisor can only effectively manage 3 to 7 people then how can a pastor manage or lead a congregation of 300 people without help? He really can not, this is the bottom line. A pastor can teach his congregation and help them with life's problems. He can follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and help people find their way to salvation through Christ. He can share what's on his heart but can he effectively lead 300 people by himself? I say no. The church has a purpose to reach those who are without Christ and they have a responsibility to offer a place where Christians can fellowship with others. The church needs to disciple it's members so they will go out into the world and witness for the Lord. If the pastor teaches 3 to 7 members of the church how to lead others to the Lord and then those 3 to 7 witness to 3 to 7 more and so on... then guess what? We are now winning the lost. I think going to church is important but it's not the most important thing we do. Going 3 days a week to church does nothing for the Kingdom of God if you are not willing to take what you've learned in church and put it into action. My question to you is what are you doing when you leave the church doors? Are you talking to your friends, family and co-workers about the Lord? Are you studying the Bible so you know what to say when you witness to others?

The Lord has been dealing with me to do more. This blog is one thing I can do. The internet can be used to reach others for God. My strong desire is to encourage and help people who are struggling with the "Storms of Life". We know the internet is used for evil purposes and it can destroy lives, so why not use it for God. Another thing I can do is live a life that is pleasing to God (I'm getting better at this but I have a long way to go) and walk through doors that God opens and witness for Him.

I believe we all have a purpose in this life. I know that I must do everything I can to help others find the Lord. When we stand before our maker one day I do not want you to look me in the eyes and say... why didn't you tell me???


Brooke said...

I like it. It is a very interesting way to look at the reason we should share our faith with others.

Brooke said...

I forgot to sign the comment. It's from your son, not brooke.


Donovan said...

Yes, I agree Jamie!

Brooke said...

I think your blog is a great tool that you are using as a witness. :)
It's from your daughter-in-law, not Jamie.


Donovan said...

Thanks daughter-in-law, not Jamie. :)

Gina (Nana) said...

YOur doing your job, your blog really does witness to me . Thanks!

Donovan said...

Thanks Gina, this particular post was on my mind for days before I wrote it Sunday. I have noticed that people from other countries are reading this blog. I thank God I have this opportunity to share.

Jackie said...

Good post:) Ava is trying to type on the keyboard so I can't write more...but it was really good:)

Donovan said...

Thanks Jackie, Ava just wants to give her opinion. :)