Friday, October 24, 2008

14.4 minutes...

Elvis Presley was the King of Rock -N- Roll. He had the world in his hands. He was born in 1935, sold over one billion records, was nominated for 14 Grammy Awards (won 3) and made 33 successful films. He died in 1977, he was 42.

John F. Kennedy was the 35th President of the United States. He was born in 1917 and was assassinated in 1963, he was 46.

Both of these men reached the goals they had made for themselves. They worked hard to succeed and gave up much in the process. Life often opens doors for us but is it always best to walk through those doors. I know neither Elvis or President Kennedy believed they would die at such an early age. Both men sacrificed things that were important to them for what they felt was success. Their lives were filled with times of despair and anguish. We all suffer at times in our lives as well but the question becomes what is priority in our life. Is career the most important aspect or is it our health or our family. Do we put God first and if so what does that mean to us. I would say most people do not put God first in their lives. If you believe in tithing (giving 10% to God) do you only tithe your money? I have problems with this Old Testament law as I have spoken about before on this blog. If you do believe in tithing then what about your time; do you then give 10% of your time to God? Is going to church the answer? It helps but doesn't your true ministry to others and the Lord begin when you walk outside those church doors.

OK, back to Elvis and Kennedy. When they stand before God, it will not matter that they were a famous singer or the President. What will matter is, were they right with God. I do not know if they were ready to meet their savior or not. Only God knows this. Did they do as much as possible to win people to the Lord that were lost? Only God will judge this.

Peggy Ann Donovan was my mother. She was 27 when she died. She was a righteous woman and served the Lord with all of her heart. Because of her I serve the Lord today.

Do you give God your best effort in serving him or is it 10% or even 1%? 1% of your day is 14.4 minutes. Think about it...
14.4 minutes a day focused on God; I challenge you to start with 1% and see where God leads you.

God bless you!


Jackie said...

Good post:)

Donovan said...

Thanks Jackie, If I am to be honest there are days I do not even give the Lord 14.4 minutes or 1% of my time. Sad!!

Brooke said...

I really like this Jack---makes me realize how selfish I am with my time!

Donovan said...

Thanks Brooke! Me too :(

Donovan said...

Jesus gave his life for us. We should a least be able to spend a few minutes or more with him each day. If we don't then how can we truely know him.


Jo Anne Felty said...

I know there are days that I don't even give the Lord 1% of my time because I am busy doing "busy stuff". I have to realize with out giving him my time miss out on great blessings.

mommyz3girlz said...

OUCH!!! my toes are hurting!

Donovan said...


I stepped on my own toes! :)


Todd, Kari, Anna and Gracie said...

I had to come by and say hello....I also wanted to catch up on all your posts!! It really made me think about those 14.4 minutes in my life...I KNOW I have atleast 15 minutes in my life to talk, pray, and think about God. I can do more!! I really need to think about that. Thank You for your post on this. I also read your post about the election. I have been praying about this because (as you) feel it is very important when it comes to our future. The wrong person could change peoples lives and have the effect of our future children. It's coming down to the will be interesting and crazy when we all find out who will be our next President. God Speed and know I am thinking about you and your family.

Donovan said...


Thanks for the comment. Good to hear from you!

God bless!!

Donovan said...


I love you!!


Thanks Jo Anne!