Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thirty-two years...

Tomorrow, December 4, 2008 I will be married to my lovely wife for thirty-two years. We have had our ups and downs like many couples but I can honestly say I love her more now than I ever have. My wife Carla is the mother to my two wonderful children and now she is the grandmother of my two sweet granddaughters. As I get older I realize just how blessed I am.

Marriage takes commitment and sometimes it can be very hard. I often reflect on the earlier years of my marriage and wish I had been a better husband then; it makes me sad but I can not change the past. I can only do my best in the present and try to create the best possible future for us. I often wish I could provide more for Carla; a larger home, a newer car and trips to places she has dreamed of going to. I believe she deserves anything I can give her and more. But being a public safety employee since 1979 I know I will never be wealthy.

In spite of my desire to provide more I can see we are just where God wants us. Sure I can still do better but as a Christian I am growing and trying to always walk through the doors Christ opens for me. I want to help others.

I do not know how good your marriage is but in order for it to last for 30, 40, 50 or more years you must be committed. You have to learn how to forgive and realize that satan does not want you to be successful in your marriage. Satan is the enemy, it is not your spouse no matter what happens. You will have disagreements but if you try really hard they will make you stronger. Take everything that happens in your marriage as a learning event, be it a good or bad thing. Allow God to honor his promise that all things work to the good for them that love the Lord. Pray for your spouse, ask God to bless them. Ask God to help you to be the husband or wife that is pleasing to him.

May God bless your marriage. I will be praying for you!


Jackie said...

Happy Anniversary!

Donovan said...

Thanks Jackie..

Brooke said...

Happy Anniversary! Kermie and I were just talking about being so happy about where we are in life as well the other day. There is nothing better than being able to provide for your family, be happy, not stressed (at least not all the time), and know that God is in the center of everything you do (or should be). We are truly blessed and I'm so thankful you and Carla had him!!

Donovan said...

Thanks Brooke, we are blessed to have you as a daughter-in-law. You are great!!!

mommyz3girlz said...

Happy belated anniversary! Hope it was a great one!

Donovan said...

Thanks Laura!!

Jo Anne Felty said...

I hope you and Carla have many more years together. Donnie & I would have been married 40 years if the Lord would not have called him home.
God bless you and Carla

Donovan said...

Thanks Jo Anne; I miss Donnie too!