Thursday, August 23, 2007

But... I'm a Good person...

Jesus is the only way. Whether you feel this is fair or not, it's true. God loves people more than our little minds can comprehend. God is a loving and fair God and he has made a prevision for all to come to him. Many know the way but refuse the way or the plan of salvation. God is a just God; he knows the hearts of men (and women). He wants no one to perish. If someone dies and has never heard about Jesus then they will not be held accountable but, before Christ's return every ear will hear. You can reject Jesus and say I believe that God is a loving God and will not send me to hell because I'm a GOOD person; well you are right in saying God is a loving God, he loved you so much he gave you a way to escape hell and that way is Jesus. If you know about Jesus and reject him, you are lost. There is simply no other way.

Christians are very concerned for those who knowingly reject Jesus; our hearts ache for the lost. How do you think Jesus feels after giving his life for the lost and then people reject his act of love and mercy? God made a way, GOD IS GOD, not us, he loves you and me so much but will NOT force himself on you or anyone. All have sinned, some worse than others; NO ONE comes to the Father except through the Son (JESUS). God has made an easy way for people to live out eternity in Heaven. It is not about our works, it is all about the sacrifice of Jesus, he is the way, the truth and the light. I understand this truth, and it boggles my mind how some know the truth and still reject it.

I believe that people who do not follow God's plan of salvation through Jesus are a part of a FLAWED RELIGION. They are trying to get to heaven based on their works. Works without faith is dead. My argument is based on my faith in Christ; if I didn't believe it then my words would be flimsy. Having faith in God and believing in Jesus as your personal savior is NOT flawed. If people do not want to believe in Jesus as their savior then that is their choice.

If you know about Jesus, why would you reject him? That is the real question. Since Jesus is the only way and since his sacrifice is the ultimate expression of love why would anyone not take him up on his offer for salvation? Well many don't because they want nothing to do with him. If this is the case they choose to be lost. You can't blame God or Jesus; you can only blame yourself... God is GOOD and he loves you; he made a way for all to be able to come to him and that way is JESUS... After you accept Jesus you have to change your life, you can't continue to do bad things. Whether you are really bad or just a little bad, you still need to ask for forgiveness. Jesus is the only way to receive forgiveness. After you are forgiven then you must obey God's commandments. In doing so it shows God that you are sincere in wanting to change and accept the sacrifice of his Son. IT IS NOT OUR WORKS, it is HIS SACRIFICE! We change because we love him and want to serve him... YES, if people reject Jesus then they condemn themselves. God loves us all, HE HAS MADE A PLAN for us to be saved. HE IS GOD, not us. Reject the plan means you are lost! Accept the plan means you are saved! It's simple and so many reject it. You can't blame God! God does not condemn anyone. People condemn themselves by rejecting his plan. Mankind by their nature wants to reject God and do things their way. Mankind wants what they want and they ignore God, they think I will do things the way I want to and God should just accept it. God loves us, period; he will not force his way on anyone; not you, not me, not good people or bad people. Why is it so hard for anyone to accept that God's way is better than our way? He is all knowing, all loving and all merciful. Please accept him today.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Christianity is the right religion (I would rather call it a relationship). I know many will disagree with me on this but if you believe the Bible as I do then it is pretty clear. The following is a quote from an e-mail devotion I received: "People do not want to hear there is only one way to heaven. That sounds too dogmatic and exclusive to them. However, the Bible teaches plainly that Jesus is the only way to heaven. You may say, That sounds like discrimination to me. If we do not accept God's way of salvation, this is discrimination against God. God's character demands that all sin be paid by Jesus' death on the cross. He must do this because this is the only way He can be true to His character and yet accept us into His heaven. If we reject this, we discriminate against Him!"

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Jesus the Healer...

I can't speak for the world but I have seen God's healing. I'm sorry if you choose to doubt Jesus' power to heal. I choose to believe because Jesus, including his power is real! By his stripes we are healed... Jesus is the only healer. Man is used by God to pray for peoples healing, but Jesus is the healer.

Prayer is answered by faith, faith like that of a child.
My daughter was healed of a broken arm so I definitely believe in healing. I have been and also have friends who have been healed. I have seen the miracles of the power of God in my life; I know God is the same today as he was in the past. I cannot explain why everyone who prays is not healed but I do believe that God is all knowing and does, as he knows is best.

I also believe that God answers prayer sometimes conditionally. The Bible says that our prayers are answered because we do things that are pleasing in his sight. Many times people only ask God to help them when they are down and out then they ignore him when life is good.

God cares more about your soul than about your health, think about this the next time you pray. God loves you; he will answer prayer but sometimes if the answer is delayed you should not stop trusting him. God's delays are not denials. The most important thing to remember is God wants a relationship with you, not your theology or corporate/ organized religion.

Friday, August 17, 2007

He will Never Leave Us or Forsake Us

“Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. So we say with confidence, The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6

The Lord is always with us. A while back I was very depressed and the Scripture verse above really spoke to my heart. When we fall or fail Christ is always there to brush us off, pick us up and lovingly hold us in is arms. All we have to do is ask him to help us. Don't be afraid to ask for his help. He is there waiting; he desires to help us. He loves us more than we will ever know or understand.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

My Faith in God

My faith in God is very important to me. He has brought me through very trying times and has never forsaken me. I have been touched by the hand of God and I continue to receive his blessings. God has blessed me with a beautiful and loving wife as well as two wonderful children. I have a cute little granddaughter now and another on the way. My children have married great spouses who I love so much. Yes, God is good, he has taken someone not worthy like myself and made me his child. My inheritance from him is unmatched by any wealth from this world. I have seen miracles and know God's way is the only way that works. If you do not know him, just reach out to him. Ask him for forgiveness and he will honor your request. He died for you so you can live eternally with him.


Hello, my name is Jack Donovan. I work as the Director of the Emergency Management Agency and the Office of Homeland Security for a county in Kentucky. I have over 25 years experience with emergency services which includes previously serving as a Fire Officer, Paramedic, HAZMAT Team Member, and High Level Rescue Officer from Sarasota, Florida. Although my career is very important to me, my family and my relationship with God are most dear to my heart.