Saturday, February 12, 2011

Time for life...

Sometimes it just seems that my life is just flying by so fast that I hardly have time to catch my breath. There is an old saying that you need to "stop and smell the roses" and it is so true. The first twenty years of my life as I reflect on them took forever to pass. The next twenty passed a little quicker and the next ten just vanished. Now I find myself thinking about the years I have left and I don't want to waste them. None of us though are promised tomorrow or even today. Think about all the hours we waste on saying stupid hurtful things to our loved ones (and why, are we just tired?). Think about the hours and days we waste on TV or selfish things that steal time from our families or our walk with the Lord. Nothing is wrong with some "me" time as long as "they" don't forget who "me" is... Don't waste another moment! Watch your words! Love, enjoy your life...


Stefania said...

Durante l’ultima cena, fra le memorabili parole pronunciate dal Signore Gesù e che ci sono riportate dai vangeli, c’è quella che dice: "Io sono la via, la verità e la vita" (Gv. 14 :6). E’ un’affermazione stupefacente questa, il cui significato abbiamo cercato di sondare nelle nostre due ultime riflessioni.

Abbiamo compreso come Gesù sia l’unica via che porta a Dio, perché solo Gesù è Dio che viene nel fango del nostro mondo per tirarcene fuori, facendoci percorrere la strada sicura che Egli ha completamente tracciato.

Abbiamo compreso come Gesù sia, nel nostro mondo di menzogne, Colui che era ed è, coerentemente, verità fatta carne, concretezza, vita, e come sia possibile vivere e lottare per la verità.

Non ci rimane che la nostra terza ed ultima definizione dell’essenza del Signore Gesù è la vita. E’ il tema dominante della Bibbia. Che cosa significa e come ne possiamo fare esperienza oggi?

Donovan said...

Sorry, can you translate into English?

adhock said...

Love what you are doing on this site. Here's a link to my blog if you're interested:

Mary Merr and Mister McCoy said...

Thank you for reminding me and making me look at life in a different light.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel... I think I was just complaining on Sunday that my entire weekend was waisted, and now it is almost the next weekend?!?! Hahaha... things this week have gone so fast that I feel almost afraid to blink

Donovan said...

Translation to post above:

At the Last Supper, including the memorable words spoken by the Lord Jesus and we are in the Gospels, there is one that says: "I am the way, the truth and the life " (John 14: 6). It 'amazing this statement, whose meaning we have tried to explore in our last two reflections.

We understood how Jesus is the only way that leads to God, because only Jesus is God who comes in the mud of our world for tirarcene out, making sure along the way he has completely drawn.

We understood how Jesus is in our world of lies, Who was and is, accordingly, the truth made ​​flesh, concrete, life, and how to live and fight for the truth.

We can do our third and final definition of the essence of the Lord Jesus is life. And 'the theme of the Bible. What does it mean and how do we experience today?

Google translator, Italian to English. Thanks to Robert Duncan!

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