Can the dead come back and visit as ghosts? I believe the answer to that question is no. Once you die your spirit does not roam the earth looking for people to scare. So what about those encounters with the spooky images and noises some people refer to as ghosts? I believe there are two types of supernatural beings that are present on the earth. Evil spirits and/or demons and good spirits (not really a spirit) called angels. The Bible says one third of the angels were cast out of heaven with Satan. So those angels are around doing the devil's evil deeds.
When I was around 18 years old I had a scary and unusual experience. I was singing and playing the guitar in a Christian coffee house. The owner of the establishment asked me if I would pray with him for a young man who had come into the house. He said the young man thought he was demon possessed. I had recently seen the movie " the Exorcist" so fear swept over me. I reluctantly said yes. I put down my guitar and the three of us went upstairs to a room used for prayer. After I had been praying for a short time, I opened my eyes and looked at the young man. I could not believe my eyes. I saw two figures above his head laughing and dancing. Above them was what I can only describe as a very evil presence. The two figures started reaching for me. I was scared, shocked and doubted what I had seen; I closed my eyes and continued praying. After we were done praying the young man left and I started to tell the man that was with me what I saw. He stopped me and said he had something to tell me. He said he saw two figures above the young man and before they could reach over and touch me a dove landed on my head, opened his wings and they disappeared. I was beside myself. I explained what I saw and that his story validated mine. I believe the dove represented the Holy Spirit's protection on my life. I have had some other demonic type experiences but what happened at the coffee house years ago on that particular day tops them all. You may say that you find his very hard to believe and if you do I don't blame you because I doubted it myself. It took someone else seeing what I saw to make a believer out of me.
I believe there are spiritual battles occurring all the time, we just can't see them. I am thankful that God's Holy Spirit protected me that day and continues to do so. We do not need to fear demons or Satan. Demons fear the very name of Jesus. Let Christ fight your battles and you will live a victorious life.