Tuesday, November 8, 2011

God is in Control...

I have been singing since I was a small child and playing the guitar since I was 13. The Lord opened a lot of doors for me and through those doors I went. I was able to sing and play for many years. I felt blessed and that the Lord was using me. But, for the last few years I feel like my guitar playing is suffering a major slump and the opportunities for me to sing have dwindled to nothing. I have become discouraged and wondered what's going on??? Years ago I made a commitment to sing for the Lord, so was King of Kings done with me? I've been spending a lot of energy trying to figure out what I am supposed to do.

Today the Lord revealed to me through the testimony of another person that He has everything under control. He wants me to spend more time with Him. Read his Word more, pray more and worship Him more. He will take care of the rest. God is in control...


Telly C. said...

God is indeed in control! The more time you spend with Him in His word and in prayer the clearer he will make to you the path he would like you to take. Never stop singing for the Lord, whether it remain your career or not-- He'll always love to hear a joyful song from you regardless :).

Everything Changes said...

Well said.

World Famous said...

I completely agree with Telly C.
You should spend more time with HIM, very soon HE'll show you the right Path. Keep praying and wait for HIS Bless.
Exam Notes

Ёж Валера said...

У Бога все под контролем. Главное не забывать лишний раз помолиться. и не грешить ни словом, ни делом.

Donovan said...

Thank you Ёж Валера, God bless!!

Message translated...

God has everything under control. The main thing to remember once again is to pray and do not sin by word or deed.