Friday, April 2, 2010

Good Friday (good for who?)

Today is "Good Friday", the day our Lord was crucified dying a horrendous death. Because of His sacrifice we can be forgiven of our sins. So that day is a good day for us, but not so much for Christ. Could God have simply said you are forgiven and allowed His Son not to suffer for us? The answer is no; it was the only way. For hundreds of years mankind offered sacrifices of animals and crops but this was just a temporary solution. The sacrifice needed to be clean (animals) and the first fruits (crops) were to be offered. You see Jesus was and is the only true pure sacrifice. Blood had to be shed. Why? Because a perfect being (God) looked at all the options and said it was the ONLY way!

Take some time today and thank God for His sacrifice of His only Son; also, thank Christ for being willing to die so we could live.

1 comment:

Donovan said...

Thank you lord for everything you have done and continue to do for us!!!