Saturday, January 3, 2009

7 little secrets...

My daughter-in-law who is a very sweet young lady challenged me to write down 7 little secrets and put them on my blog. Wow, I thought is there seven things about myself that others don't know (and I don't mind telling). OK, here goes...

1. When I was young I wanted to be a garbage-man. I would watch the men laugh and sing while riding on the back of their truck and thought, what a cool job. I ended up being a firefighter and rode on the tailboard of a fire-truck.

2. When I was younger I would wear sometimes two pairs of pants so I wouldn't appear so skinny. I don't have that problem (being skinny) now... unfortunately.

3. I once fell asleep at the altar in church. After a while I felt hands on my shoulder as people started praying for me thinking I had a serious need.

4. When I sang to my wife at our wedding, I made up the words to the song because I never learned the real lyrics.

5. I was offered a singing recording contract when I was 18 years old.

6. I was once a disc jockey at a Lexington (Kentucky) radio station and would love to do it again.

7. I would love to live in somewhere between New England and North Carolina on the water. But, if I did this my family would have to move too!

Well, that wasn't so hard and it was kind of fun. I have more secrets but they will have to go untold... at least for now.

I hope you enjoyed my little secrets. Thanks for reading...


Jackie said...

That was fun to read! Does mom know you made up the words??

Donovan said...

I'm not sure but I was a cheap wedding singer so she didn't complain. :)

Brooke said...

hahaha... I laughed at each one of them :) You're silly! Good job.

Gina (Nana) said...

You all are so funny!

Donovan said...

Thanks Brooke! Gina I'm waiting to read about your 7 little secrets...

Gina (Nana) said...

I don't remember seeing my name on the list? I get to keep mine :)

Donovan said...

Gina, it was an oversight I'm sure...

Brooke said...

We need to get mom to make her own blog so she can do her 7 little secrets... otherwise... just post them in the comments! You're not off the hook mother :)

Jackie said...

I agree Gina! You need a blog or you just need to post them as a comment! I still can't think of 7 secrets!

Gina (Nana) said...


Donovan said...


That's OK you don't have to say or tell anything you don't wish to. :)

Thanks for your comments on my posts. I appreciate them very much.


Grandma said...

Jack you are brave! I enjoyed reading them. Your girls keep your on your toes!
I don't think I could come up with 7 maybe a few.
Sounds like you should sing a new song to Carla!


Donovan said...

Karen, You are so right... Carla deserves another song and I might add with the correct lyrics. The song I sang to her was "God blessed the day I found you". Even though I butchered the words it still came from my heart with the utmost sincerity. I hope Carla sensed that. It is kind of funny as I look back on it. I guess in my youth I thought my way was better. Ha

Thanks for your comment, I always enjoy hearing from you.

Todd, Kari, Anna and Gracie said...

That was wonderful to know about you!! Thank you for made me smile! It was good to drop by your blog...I got to catch up!

Donovan said...

Thanks Kari!!