Wednesday, January 21, 2009

President Obama...

Yesterday Americans witnessed the swearing in of President Obama. Regardless of who you voted for, this man and our country need your prayers. Time will tell as it does with every president whether Obama will be a good leader. Our country is in need of a wise leader who will listen to the voice of God and one who will use good judgment. Please join me in prayer for the United States and our new president.

"For the LORD gives wisdom, and from his mouth come knowledge and understanding." Proverbs 2:6


Grandma said...

Jack I agree with your post.
As a church we have been praying since the election that God will place Godly people in his path and he will hear Godly, wise counsel and act on it. One thing we know God is control it is up to us to pray and God's hand will move across the nation.

"If my people who are called by Name will humble themselves and pray, then I will hear from Heaven and heal their land"

I am so proud to be an American!
We are blessed

Donovan said...

Well said Karen, thanks!

Jo Anne Felty said...

I agree that we need to lift up our leaders. With the country in the shape it is we really need to pray!